In relevance with all this slipknot whoHA I’m gonna take this hella of a personally a kids gets slain by another kid donned in a slipknot mask in the ass end of Africa. So maybe the kid in question didn’t have his Manson/Metallica/Ramstein gear out for the day? But maybe kid in question had too much of that 7de laan jingle in his head? Anyone ever noted the violence in those oh so South African day time TV. Shows are pure? I’m seriously how did “dizzie” get blind….egoli….kid gets napped blue bliksemed eyes… best part I don’t watch the bloody shows so how do I know what happening in them? I drink coffee in coffee shops and the sorts and in comes people not donned in outfits but clothing and they seat themselves and start talking about the in and outs of day time “soapies” yup even the violence!! And in the background we have the lovely poptastic pop music playing most of it produced by east/west producer bigwigs who didn’t have nothing to do with that or this shooting incident three or four weeks before the hit single came out what coincidently is playing as the “tannies” are “non chalantly” talking about the “soap dish” daily drama as if it doesn’t exist out the box!!!
So lets blame the media and not the music? Erm music is part media think of the good ‘ol days when t.v wasn’t around and the folk singers had to propergate via song? Yeah thought so forgot that one, yup opionion via song….press darlings (we depress the press darlings)… but in all hinderance it is truth. So some people get creative (I don’t condone people hurting other people; in regards to this article). In our everyday lives we have become the media and the media have become us. Ghost in the shell and the where the machman meet. I get lost in the media because eeryday it’s yes from that side and a no from the other and it’s been around for ages. So lets lingua fracta then, so my media is my music so it inspires me at times to do things a little arb in the eyse of others so I write on my wall make my hair pretty and “unnatural colours” but the music didn’t make me do it quite frankly I think I did by meyself.
So they gonna blame the music they gonna blame the band? Um HEYA media? Yeah you media (yeah me typing as well) take a glance and note the kid in questions music collection (pc/tapes/8 track etc etc) you may just be surprised “Capitaan”. The kid in question may just have a cd that your daughter listens to. Oh dear god take your daughter to the slaughter. Shit was she harmed in the school shooting/stabbing that happened the day prior or the day after the slipknotted incident in a township nearby? Oh yes that’s right those kids don’t listen to music or have band emblems/logos drawn on their bags….. How could we forget….media only blames it on evilutionised music when the kids in question either dress up as band members or wear their shirts…crikey how can they forget.
Lets attempt the fact thing…Lets shoot to the first school killing (I’m not gonna academia this ( use Google it’s fun and exciting). A girl n the states doesn’t “get her request of a my little pony” or whatever she wanted but a rifle from her dad instead for x-mas. So AHA you guessed it…..she shoots the kids that are neatly arranged at the school opposite her house. Seeing the it’s a rifle she has, there’s no need to even leave her house, simple. If I remember correctly she only manages to kill one adult, the headmaster who was ushering the kindergarten kids to safety yes the toddlers her targets. When the police questioned her actions the only thing she would reply was “I don’t like Mondays”.