Monday, October 27, 2008

Slashdogs Jhb “hunger” album Launch

Walking into Classic Corner Head Quarters at an unselected time other than the start time due to unforeseen circumstances I was met by a surreal bunch of Slashdogs fans and supporters. The attendees were tattoo clad with beautiful attitudes and one goal “let the good times roll” and they did. There were no boundaries of the band or fans, people were people, no one was more important than the other. That projects the Slashdogs aim within and without what they sing about, one day a person the next day another.

Opening the stage was Cortina Whiplash a band to watch out for, amazing stage presence enigmatic in a sense partially due to the vox; partially due to crazy lyrics and some heavy covers. Their last song they played was indeed a Slashdogs song which went down well with the rock-a-billy crowd. So the time came for the Slashdogs to come out and play and yes they played with mirrors behind them it was indeed a double creature feature. Playing on the Dance floor with the crowd on par with them gives a sense of intimacy and trust with band and fans alike. Intense communication, no break down. The crowd was the Slashdogs and the Slashdogs were the crowd. The surreal settings of the venue did play a part as the backing canvas as everything just was meant to be as it was.

There were just so many hi lights within their set that it would be impossible to mention all of them. The opening song Habitual got the crowd going with a bell kicker , well in all earnestly a bell wrecker. The set was a well induced almighty long haul “of never ending I don’t want it to end in my personal opinion”. They are technical musicians at their best doing what they love doing, music. Not many bands in S.A. music can get with saying 6 years of pay off and still get the thrill of coming off stage and knowing they did a superb and spectacular job , without having to get reassurance from anybody. Yes that is how good the stage presence of the Slashdogs ‘is’. (Note to Ed, I’m not putting “are” they gonna stick around)

So within omnipresence of the album launch I have one thing to say, as far as album launches go I’d say this one had to be in the top five, The vibe, the band, the fans, the no ones, the everyone’s… the selectiveness of the venue. All combined, all well thought of, all good, let the good time roll, this is Rock ‘n’ roll. The Slashdogs are the hunger.

“Hunger” is available at all Look n Listen stores .

written for

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tell me why I don’t like Mondays

In relevance with all this slipknot whoHA I’m gonna take this hella of a personally a kids gets slain by another kid donned in a slipknot mask in the ass end of Africa. So maybe the kid in question didn’t have his Manson/Metallica/Ramstein gear out for the day? But maybe kid in question had too much of that 7de laan jingle in his head? Anyone ever noted the violence in those oh so South African day time TV. Shows are pure? I’m seriously how did “dizzie” get blind….egoli….kid gets napped blue bliksemed eyes… best part I don’t watch the bloody shows so how do I know what happening in them? I drink coffee in coffee shops and the sorts and in comes people not donned in outfits but clothing and they seat themselves and start talking about the in and outs of day time “soapies” yup even the violence!! And in the background we have the lovely poptastic pop music playing most of it produced by east/west producer bigwigs who didn’t have nothing to do with that or this shooting incident three or four weeks before the hit single came out what coincidently is playing as the “tannies” are “non chalantly” talking about the “soap dish” daily drama as if it doesn’t exist out the box!!!

So lets blame the media and not the music? Erm music is part media think of the good ‘ol days when t.v wasn’t around and the folk singers had to propergate via song? Yeah thought so forgot that one, yup opionion via song….press darlings (we depress the press darlings)… but in all hinderance it is truth. So some people get creative (I don’t condone people hurting other people; in regards to this article). In our everyday lives we have become the media and the media have become us. Ghost in the shell and the where the machman meet. I get lost in the media because eeryday it’s yes from that side and a no from the other and it’s been around for ages. So lets lingua fracta then, so my media is my music so it inspires me at times to do things a little arb in the eyse of others so I write on my wall make my hair pretty and “unnatural colours” but the music didn’t make me do it quite frankly I think I did by meyself.

So they gonna blame the music they gonna blame the band? Um HEYA media? Yeah you media (yeah me typing as well) take a glance and note the kid in questions music collection (pc/tapes/8 track etc etc) you may just be surprised “Capitaan”. The kid in question may just have a cd that your daughter listens to. Oh dear god take your daughter to the slaughter. Shit was she harmed in the school shooting/stabbing that happened the day prior or the day after the slipknotted incident in a township nearby? Oh yes that’s right those kids don’t listen to music or have band emblems/logos drawn on their bags….. How could we forget….media only blames it on evilutionised music when the kids in question either dress up as band members or wear their shirts…crikey how can they forget.

Lets attempt the fact thing…Lets shoot to the first school killing (I’m not gonna academia this ( use Google it’s fun and exciting). A girl n the states doesn’t “get her request of a my little pony” or whatever she wanted but a rifle from her dad instead for x-mas. So AHA you guessed it…..she shoots the kids that are neatly arranged at the school opposite her house. Seeing the it’s a rifle she has, there’s no need to even leave her house, simple. If I remember correctly she only manages to kill one adult, the headmaster who was ushering the kindergarten kids to safety yes the toddlers her targets. When the police questioned her actions the only thing she would reply was “I don’t like Mondays”.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Luck Fish 2008

What a great element for any festival, all festivals need a little bit of weathering heights too add that extra bit of conversation when asked “hey how was the festival”. Well the festival was great, gale force wind and all. What’s a festival without a bit of elemental love? So the first Lucky Fish kicked off and bands galore, the three stages parked right next to each other with easy access for festival goers to walk from one stage to the next without having to ‘traps’ for miles and miss an awesome band in the process. Thanks to you guys at Authentic Ideas.

So the bands were spectacular couldn’t quite put my finger on which band stuck out the most because that would be favouritism but I suppose I’m allowed to. Two bands that took me by surprise merely by the fact that I have never heard of them were Vortex and Enakskind, phenonemal stage performances and presence. So then my personal favourites are allowed right, right? Um yeah it is cos I can and I will, oh please do keep in mind I have no reference to dates or times it was a festival after all and hence there was no time just a continuum. Until home struck.

Memorable moments not in any spectacular order I assure you. This includes random quotes {ahhh where is the scrap book}

“I perform my best when I don’t take my blood pressure tablets “
s) A crazy percussionist jumping into the audience and the audience “pogo’ing” around him surreal crazy utterly amazing!!!
Kl) deftones covers making the crowd go crazy like that was cool to watch.
5) “it’s not me, it’s not you, we just don’t get along, lets break up”
65) One too many black labels the end.
H7) crazy interviews with pizza.
88) a certain singer throwing his toys on stage then throwing the mic then a guy from the audience taking the mic over and singing and the band carrying on like storm troopers “bravo”, then a guitar got smashed, oh dear.
09k) panda bear head gear that was cool.
A3)”nooit dude you know what they painted on your face”
Io) Late night drinking’s at the rock bar castle tent with many a band members and 24 hour music oh yeah.
77) ok list of bands : submachine, slashdogs, enakskind, the one night stands, vortex, the death valley blues band, Seth, dean and the deadbeats, those nun guys yeah them and a couple of bands I can’t remember that I really should I sincerely apologize I do I do I do I do.
96) Brain numb
5o) making a call to England to find out what the most covered song in the world is …. Still in dispute.

Ok those are my thirteen hi-lites I hope they do. That is a (re)view from me to you hope it does the trick.

Written For