I never knew terms and conditions applied when I was growing up but when I visited the private hospital which was incredibly busy due to the recent strike it stung me when my daughter said “mom the government hasn’t got much to do”. Yeah ponder on that one. So the phlebotomist arrive clearly over-worked takes my daughters blood with as much patience and caress as she could because she has been put on the prem-babies ward from the over flow from the natalspriut hospital where the nurses refuse to work for their own bid ~ yes gone are the days where “care-workers” actually work to care. So after she is done she asks me to bag my own daughters blood samples and mark them, now I know how scary and vast this strike is... It has gone into over-drive. I just bagged and tagged my own daughters blood samples for an over worked phlebotomist’s who actually in my own words does give a shit because as she walks out she smiles at my daughter and says “please pretty girl stay healthy during this time” we reply “stay safe”.
We take my daughter to the spur afterwards as she has no school due to the massive union strike and low and behold the spur of all places is packed why because the parents are on over-flow as well the kids are practically on holiday, kids going to school with skeleton staff are being told that teachers that are not there are, well for lack of better word “off sick” – sick my ass. My kid is suffering and for a really dumbass thing to say so are all the waiters at spur with the over abundance of patrons. So now we have no education but hey who the fuck cares, they do the strikers the fighters, what will they achieve? Or are the threats that hinder their progression. next encouraging topic ~ a school newsletter being sent out for fathers to come and be vigilante heroes in case the school where my daughter attends is ubder attack and there may be some harm or violent occurrence as they do not know whether or what will happen, yeah I love my country – Yeah I Love my people.
I sit here and wonder is it worth it to add the angle of the political addendum? I think no because I truly believe we are all being affected by this in the most non-chalance manner. The unions are now targeting the non strikers for being human so a round of applause to them, if they want a communist nation they should carry on – that’s my opinion – “to stop work is to create work”. There is gonna be junk on the street shortly we will look beautiful this country and over-flow with pride with dead bodies and trash when we bid for the Olympics – ‘they the us’, ‘they the we’, want everything so in the immortal words of bob Dylan “everybody must get stoned”