I arrived tired, Like utterly tired I was about to grab some decor from the famed venue (CCHQ) and pass out on a couch but alas I had to jerk myself out of that mind frame and get with the programme as this programme was a rigorous one. Four Bands, Four Movies one stage and then a viewing room upstairs... I was in for the long haul.
I had to blink my eyes awake and start realising that this was a hybrid event with a whole new dementia to it. So yes I plead guilty to going to the bar and ordering a drink, how could one resist a half price Sailor Jerry Rum with cola? Yup up went my spirits the First movie was the one from the USA “Blood drips” tantalising and poetic yes this was yet to be more interesting than I thought. Then some random band came on and really dampened everyone spirits (at this point I wish to add a disclaimer that I don’t do hate mail well and I have not mentioned your band.) well anyway distress hit then along came a dancer... with a stunning performance and the venue was well alive again, Miss Cherry Thomas was exceptional entertainment for all who came early and were lusty for what the evening had in store or i.e. the long night ahead.
The turn events lead us to a brilliant screen of a visual delight of Kitty Kill by the guys of Blackmilk Productions hailing from Cape town... at this point I think I’m tangling up the Line up of the evening so I’m just going to spit it out and say the other movies screened on the evening by the guys from Blackmilk were astounding, twisted, bizarre, dark and some mind blowing beautiful works of motionary art... the kind of stuff we should be seeing more often. There was also the special screening of “kult without a name” by the Johannesburg film house “Flymachine Films” which left the audience with a gasp and some discrepancies about 2012 and the love of incest. I quite enjoyed watching the crowd more at that point.

Then those guys of Shots Fired ransacked the audience with a cover of the Misfits... when that happens, what is the term “a goody”. Yes RUCKUS!!! The evening, the hybrid event with all kinds of folks was now pivoting as the venue was starting to get the gist of ‘Rock ‘n Film’... This event was not aimed to genre specific and when the voodoo was put back by submachine it was A ok we knew the skeletal projection behind them were jamming just as hard as the spectators in front of them. Then it was the ever ready Slashdogs (it is rumoured that this was their last gig) there was emotion at this point but they played hard and steadfast. Ok so I’m not reviewing the bands as I should but heck I enjoyed these three bands thoroughly...
All in all I had an A Class Time at a stunning venue and some point I forgot I was even working my ass off on the event, needless to say this may be a bias review I have worked on many events and this has to be one of my most memorable events. ‘Film ‘n Rock’ makes a good affiliation and in my opinion I would do it again with minor errors aside but hell I noted some people having a good time and enjoying every aspect of the night.