If it Don't Make Sense... Reread.
It’s not an intention of mine to write about myself but people generally in some form or another unintentionally let slip some character traits. That’s why I have a passion for books, art, film, media and culture, in general there’s always character traits there no denying that,
So do you want to know a secret? Sure you do, we all do, nothing like conspiracy. I mean all conspiracies are built upon secrets, as are governments; that’s another novel; my secret is I’m not sure if these words/works are full of me. They could be, I guess? I merely suspect you getting an essence just an essence of me, why is that a secret? Well when people first meet one never knows their history, only with time. So behind each work there’s a story behind the story, a secret,
“I know that’s a secret, for its whispered everywhere”
William Congreve
Since I was a child I've for one, been me, I hope I achieved it but alas I carry the human flaw of insecurity, don’t we all. However I am me, a character of note; I have testimonials; but along the way I forgot to set goals, rather silly, vast knowledge in many a field. What do they say “jack of all trades, master of none”. I’ve studied a lot, many different qualifications, I’m one subject short of a degree (I do not agree to favoritism or authority, I voice my opinion yet another novel yet another secret). Often when I think of educational institutions George Orwell comes to mind. (However I would love to become a teacher, don’t ask). I think in a way I forgot to set goals because I was too busy being me. Then on the 27th of May 2000 I found out I was pregnant and it was no longer about me, on the 19th of September it was about me and her and now I am forced to set goals. And now it’s 2010 and now only am I ready to be me and accept me for who I am, what I've got and where I'm headed.
“I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me.
I take my spirit my spirit and crash my mirrors,
Now the whole world is here for me to see”
Jimi Hendrix
My persona that you may see is merely an illusion, A few get past the illusion but not many do, it’s odd though, you may.
“Da mihi castitatem et contintiam, sed noli modo.”
‘Give me chastity and continence, but not yet’
St Agatha of Hippo
Tommorrow I may wake up with different view point.
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